[ IIJ7 ]
L I C H E N Oederi.
Oederian Lichen.
G e n . C h a r . Male, fcattered warts. Female, fmooth
fhields or tubercles, in which the feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Cruft thin, teflellated, of a rufty red.
Shields fninute, fomewhat globofe, a little im-
merfed, concave, black, with a thick, black border.
Syn. Lichen Oederi. Achar. Prod. 66. Swartz.
A ß . Upfal. v. 4. 245. Linn. Fil. Meth. Muß. 36.
L. caefius. Dickf. Crypt, fa ß . 2. 19. t. 6. f . 6.
Hull. 290.
L. Dickfoni. With. v. 4. 20. Achar. Prod. 76.
L. leprofus ruber, tuberculis nigris. Oeder. in FI,
Dan. t. 470. ƒ. 1.
T H I S the real Lichen Oederi (being certainly that figured in
the FI. Danica) was lent us by the Rev. H. Davies from North
Wales, growing on {late. I firft found it in 1781 on rocks
about Edinburgh, when it was fuppofed to be the fufco-ater of
authors. Mr. Dickfon has fince named it cafus, and Dr.
Withering called it Dickfoni. Among fo many names we äre
obliged to follow the Swedifh and Danifh authorities, as moft
original and authentic, and we have eftablifhed our fynonyms
on original fpecimens.
Its very thin cruft forms fpots from half an inch to 2 inches
in diameter, and is infeparable from the ftone, of an uniform
rufty red, teffellated, but not rugged, except when very old.
We have in fome young fpecimens perceived a lobed appearance
towards the edge. The fhields are exceedingly numerous, very
fmall, partly funk in the cruft, and partly prominent and fomewhat
globofe, entirely black or very flightly glaucous; the
margin even, and extremely thick in proportion to the difc,
which is concave and depreffed. Two or three of the fhields
are often crowded together in a line or otherwife.—In Dr.
Acharius’s fpecimens the cruft is more granulated than in ours,
which we prefume to be the effedt of age.