/ 3 3 [ 699 }
L I C H E N Ogelidus.
Flejh-coloured Alpine Lichen.
Ç R Y P T G G A M IA Alga.
Gen. Char. Male, feattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the,
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Cruft almoft infeparable, lobed, whitifh,
fmooth, with a few brown lobed warts in the
centre. Shields concave, rofe-coloured, with a
white, fmooth, elevated border.
Syn. Lichen gelidus. Linn. Mant, 133. Dickf. Crypt,
fafc. 2. 19. H. Sicc.fajc. 7. 25. With. v. 4. a6.
Hull. 291.
L. Heclæ. F I Dan. t. 47o. ƒ. 2.
'X 'H E firft fpecimens of this rare and curious Lichen ever
obferved by any botanifl in Britain, were I believe communicated
to me in 1782 from the Glen of Leney near Stirling
by my friend Dr. Francis Buchannan, now at Bengal. 1
was perfuaded, though then a very young botanift, it could be
no other than the L. gelidus of Linn, and ventured to con-
tend, againft many higher authorities, that the gelidus or Hud-
•fon was only ventofus bleached by age. _ Linnaeus evidently
defcribes the Angular brown tubercles in the centre as the
fruaification, inftead of the real fhields, which are of very
rare occurrence, and were not in the fpecimens he law. ihe
Rev Mr Harriman and Mr. Oliver have been io fortunate
as to find fome in perfedion, growing on large ftones
near the High Force, Teefdale, and obligingly communicated
them to Mr. Sowerby. ' - Jjj
This fpecies can be confounded with no other. It conlilts
of a white fmooth cruft, with difficulty to be cut whole from
the rock even in wet weather, and forming fmall roundiili
patches, lobed in the margin, and partly affirming the appearance
of an imbricated Lichen. In the centre are a few elevated,
brown, lobed warts, whofe ufe and fundions are unknown;
and around them, in perfed plants, feveral fmall
round fhields, of a delicate rofe-colour when wet, with a very
white fmooth elevated margin.
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