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L t C H Ë N mulcorutn»
Mofs Lichen.
CRY P T O G AM1A Alga.
Gen. Char. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which
th e feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Leprous, granulated, grey. Tubercles
black, cluttered, elevated ; at length turbinated.
Syn. Lichen mufeorum. Linn. Meth. Muß. 36 . With,
•v. 4 , 7 . Hull. 28 5 . Relh. 424. t. 5 . Abbot. 258.
Dick/. Dr. PI. 99.
( jA T H E R E D on Gogmagog hills by Mr. Relhan, who
firft publifhed it as an Englifli plant. Dr. Smith found it about
Matlock-bath, Our fpecimen was fent by Mr. Dawfon Turner
from Buxton in Norfolk.
This fpecies inhabits damp fliady places, and is remarkable
for growing upon verdant healthy tufts of modes, which it
clothes, in large patches, with its thin leprous finely granulated
grey cruft. This cruft takes precifely the form of the
branches or leaves of the mofs underneath, fo that the' Lichen
aflumes a branched or leafy appearance. The tubercles are
numerous, cluftered, elevated by a conical bafe, quite black
when young flightly margined; in an advanced ftate convex,
and turbinate or top-ftiaped.
It is a very diftind fpecies, and eafily known by its place of