L IC H E N cinereus.
Grey Hollow-shielded Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Crust grey, rugged and cracked, with a
broad, greenish, undulated border. Shields immersed,
solitary or clustered, slightly concave, black,
with an elevated entire margin, of the substance of
the crust.
Syn. Lichen cinereus. Ach. Prod. 32. Linn. Mant.
132. but not Engl. Bot. t. 820.
Urceolaria cinerea. Ach. Meth. 143.
T h e m o st com mon o f all L ic h e n s , ac co rding to M r . Borrer,
both on the downs and on the sea-sho re o f S u s se x , growing
on lo o se exposed flin ts . W h e th e r it m a y have been confounded
w ith ater, or with an y th in g e lse , or whether it may have
passed unnoticed b y B r itish botan ists, w e have no certain info
rm a tio n . W e are certain o f D r . A c h a r iu s ’ s n am e , and he
is our o n ly authority fo r the reference to Linnaeus. W h a t we
h a v e called cinereus, in t. 820, mu st retain the name o f mvlti-
punctus, o rig inally g iv en b y H o ffm an n . T h e L. multipunctus
o f E h rh a r t I had pre v io u sly published in Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. l |
as encanstus, b y wh ich name it is distinguish ed in the works
o f A ch a r iu s .
T h e L ic h e n before us is ne arly allied to o u r jfilrosus, 1. 1732,
and tulerculosus, t. 1733, but is n o t fibrous, neither is it
re gu la r ly tessellated, but rather sw e llin g into roundish irreg
u la r k n o b s , and at length c rack ed. I t s colour is g r e y ; the
substance thin and hard. T ow a rd s the m arg in it is obscurely
radiated, and the v e ry edge is dilated, undulated, dark-g reenish,
and somewhat polished. Sh ie lds sm a ll, elevated, clustered or
so lita ry , b la ck , s lig h tly con ca ve , w ith an elevated, smooth,
entire border, o f the substance o f the c ru s t.
June xtSoj. Abb fish'd fry JaJ. Stwerby Jondon-.