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L I C H E N atro-rufusf
Red-brown Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, Scattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
S pec. Char. Cruft lobed, angular, fmooth, of a
whitith brown. Shields feflile, flattifh, dark red
brown with a blackjfh narrow border ; at length
Syn. Lichen atror rufus. Dickf Crypt, fafc. 4. 22.
v t. i a, ƒ. 4 .
F o u n d by Mr. Dickfon, on a hill near Penrith, Cumberland,
growing on the red fandy ground among modes.
$V"e have received it, along with a moft valuable collection
of Lichens betides, from the Rev. Mr. Harriman of Egglefton,
Durham. Dr. Acharius feems unacquainted with this fpecies,
and we are at a lofs whether to refer it to his 6th feCtion
(Patellaria) or to his icth (Pferoma). The cruft is certainly
lobed and angular, not leprous, nor undefined; its colour
when young is white, but afterwards more or lefs brownith ;
the furface fmooth, and, though lefs imbricated, it in fome
degree approaches the ftruCture of L. luridus;, Achar. 95.
The fliields are very numerous, feflile, of a dark reddith
brown, with a narrow ftill darker border; they are at firft
-flat, but afterwards become rather tumid, confluent, and
extremely irregular in form. They are at all times very
fmooth, and, when wet, flightly pellucid or waxy. Dec.1 TdolJFul/liftKclby J a f.S9WfrbyJLond<m .