[ 1879 ]
y oos
LICHEN friOgidus.
Thin Tartareous Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercle's, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Crust thin, smooth, closely adherent,
whitish, bearing branched bristles. Shields yellowish
flesh-coloured, with a white smooth border.
Syn. Lichen frigidus. Swartz.. Meth. Muse. 36. t. 2.f. 4.
Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 2. 19. Dr. PL n. 49. With.
v . 4 . 2 2 . Hull."290. .
Parmelia tartarea [2. Ach. Meth. 166.
(xATHERED by Mr. G. Don and the late Mr. Mackay on
the hills above Blair in Athol. It is found upon the highest
mountains only, nearly on a level with perpetual snow, growing
upon decayed.mosses or other small ^plants, which its thin
tenacious crust closely envelops like a stalactitical incrustation,
taking all their forms. It frequently throws out slender
branching bristles, like L . upsaliensis, l. 1634. The whole
is of a cream-colour, smooth and shining, the margins of the
shields only being less polished, and their disk of a yellowish
flesh-colour, but less yellow than in L. tartareus, t. 156,
neither is the crust thick, tartareous, and warty, like the latter,
nor has it (as far as we can discover) the same pungent smell.
Dr. Achatius however has reduced it to a variety of tartareus,
as he has the upsaliensis to perelltis, t. 727, considering the
bristles of their crusts as an accident. Some states of indubitable
tartareus, which I have traced on its native
mountains, favour this opinion, and yet still remain different
from frigidus, whose branched or compound bristles are very
peculiar. There being no coloured figure of this rare Lichen
extant, we have deemed it essential to our work, even under
the doubts just mentioned.
-Moil jjSoS.Tublishil by Ju fSeirr/bj/.Liutift’u.