l b [ 1752 ]
L I C H E N obscurus.
Dull-olive Dotted Lichen.
G en. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Crust uninterrupted, undulated, olive-
brown, smooth, black-edged. Tubercles deeply
immersed, minute, clustered, dark-brown, oblong,
Syn. Lichen obscurus. Ach. Prod. 20.
Opegrapha obscura. Ach. Meth. 22. Persoon in
Ust. Ann.fasc. 7. 32. t. 3 . f . 5, B, b.
SENT us from the New Forest, Hants, by Mr. Lyell. We
have also received it from Edward Rudge, Esq., F. L .S., the
celebrated author of the Plantce Guianenses, and from our
often-mentioned friends Messieurs Turner and W. Borrer.
It grows on the bark of old trees, forming dull-olive, continued,
irregular spots, turning greyish with age, undulating
with the inequalities of the bark, but otherwise even in thickness,
smooth, not mealy, internally green. The minute fructifications,
of a dark brown, are in little oblong specks, not
prominent, crowded together, divaricated so as to seem
branched. A perpendicular section of the crust shows the
real fruit to be deeply imbedded, and much larger within than
appears outwardly.—-This species does not properly belong to
Opegrapha, but to a new Acharian genus named Artkonia,
along with L. impolitus, t. 981.