L I C H E N fcrupofus.
Hollowed Lichen.
6) f
C R T P T O G A M I A Alga.
G en. Char. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Cruftaceous, afh-coloured, granulated.
Shields immerfed, black ; their margin incurved
and finely notched.
S yn. Lichen fcrupofus. Dick/. Crypt, fafc. i. u .
With. Bot. Arr. v. 3. 179. Sibth. Oxon. 322.
L . excavatus. Relh. Cant. 426.
Lichenoides cruftaceum & leprofum, fcutellis ni-
gricantibus majoribus & minoribus, yarietas B.
Dill. Mu/c. 133. t. 18. ƒ. 15, B.
/ N dry chalky heaths, and brick w a lls not u nfrequent in
N o rfo lk , Su ffo lk and C am bridge fhire. T h e c ruft is mealy,
v a ry in g in thicknefs, rug g ed, v e ry w h ite and chalky in appearance
w h en d r y ; wh en w e t more afh-coloured. T h e
fhields are not only imbedded in it, but alfo concealed b y an
ele v ated thick inflexed m a rg in , crenated at the edg e , o f the
fubftance and colour o f the cruft. T h e ir difk is concave, o f
a b row n black, o r gre yifh.
T h i s L ic h e n w a s confounded b y H ud fon and D illen iu s
w ith the a te r, from wh ich it is v e ry d iftin £ i in texture and
colou r. D r . Sibthorp in his F lo ra feems not to have been
aw a re o f its being the exc av atu s o f M r . R e lh an , but has e r ro -
neoufly referred that to the mufcorum o f other authors, figured
in Flo. Cant. 4 2 4 . M ich e li’ s figu re tab. 5 2 ord, 33 (not 5 3 )
feems to b e our fc rup ofus.