f l : ( 677 )
L I C H E N pertufus,
Pierced Lichen.
G en. Char. Male, fcattered warts. Female, fmooth
fhields or tubercles, in which the feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Cruftaceous, greyifh white, polithed.
Shields aggregate, waxy, flefh-coloured, concealed
in fwelling, polithed, cluttered, perforated
Syn. Lichen pertufus. Linn. Mant. 131. Iludf. 525.
With. v. 4. 15. Hull. 288. Relh. 421. Sibth. 317.
Abbot. 261.
Lichenoides verrucofum et rugofum, cinereum, gla-
brum. Dill. Mufc. 12,8. t. 18. f . 9.
OT unfrequent on the trunks of trees in various parts of
Great Britain, at all feafons of the year.
The cruft is thin, fmooth, polithed, by no means powdery
or leprous, of a grey or glaucous white, fpreading over the
bark, fometimes invefting the fmaller kinds of motfes as it
goes, in patches 2 or 3 inches broad. The fructification is
copioutly produced, and lodged in numerous elevated crowded
polithed warts of the colour and fubftance of the cruft, very
irregular m their form, divided internally into feveral cells,
each cell marked by a little depreffed perforation at the top of
the wart communicating with its cavity. Thefe cells are various
in number, from 2 or 3 to 7 ° r more, fometimes however
they are folitary. In each of them is lodged a waxy concave
thield, of a pale fleth-colour throughout, lining the cavity.
We have never feen any thing of the black powder
within, mentioned by Weber. If his obfervations be correft,
probably the feed ripens into that fubftance, or the fhield in
difeafe or decay may be changed to it.
L. inclufus, figured in our next plate, will be found admirably
to illuftrate the ftruCture of this.