[ Sl i t ]
L I C H E N filaceus.
Yellow ochrey Lichen.
/ 0) b
G en. Char. Male, icattered warts. Female, fmooth
fhields or tubercles, in which the feeds are imbedded.
S p e c . C h a r . Cruft u n e v e n , teflellated, yellowilh-red.
Shields feffile, black, at length convex their
border acute, black,
S yn. Lichen filaceus. Achar. Prod. 66.
L . Oederi. Web. Spicil. 1 8 2 . Dickf. Crypt, fqfc.
1. 17 ? With. v. 4* n * Hull. 286 ?
Patellaria filacea. Hoffm. Pi. Lich. t. 19. ƒ. 2.
r n
X HAT this is what Weber named L. Oederi we are certain
from German fpecimens as well as from his defeription; but, as
he erred in fuppofing it the Lichen figured by Oeder, his name
muft give place to that adopted by Hoffmann and Acharius,
two great authorities in this department of botany. That it is
Mr. Dickfon’s Oederi we hefitate to pronounce, becaufe the
fpecimen in his H. Sicc. fafe. 3. 24. appears to us rather
L . conjluens tinged with an ochrey hue, as mentioned by Dr.
Acharius, p. 66, which hue however we believe to be caufed
by animal matter rather than by iron.
This fpecies is totally diftinfi from the preceding. Its cruft
is thicker, more uneven and deeply cracked, of a yellowifh buff
colour rather than red. The thields are three or four times as
large as thofe of L . Oederi, feffile, not immerfed ; their margin
thin and ffiarp, often waved, their dife broad, and, though flat
at firft, foon convex, efpecially in its centre, which is protruded
in a mammillary form, fimple or divided, and fometimes
crowned with a fort of cup or pore. In what refpefts L . conjluens
differs from this we hope fome other time to demon-
ilrate. Both of them grow on mountainous rocks in the north.
*Tan. lA 8< ft.F ubtifked by Ja.?SowerbyZortdem■