/ t 627 ]
G e n . C h a r . Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
S p e c . C h a r . Cruftaceous, greyifh-white. Shields
fcattered, elevated, flat, yellow, waxy; the margin
and under fide white.
S y n . Lichen cerinus. Dick/. Crypt, fafc. 3. 14. TVith.
v. 4. 24. Hull. 291.
Patellaria cerina. Hoffin, Pl.Lich, t. 33. ƒ. r.
M r . DICKSON firft publithed this as an Englifh Lichen.
Our fpecimens were gathered at Coltithall in Norfolk, by
Mr. D. Turner, and on the trunks of felled oaks lying at Lambeth,
by Mr. Sovverby. It is to be found on the bark of trees
at all feafons; and has probably been often confounded with
L. fubfufcus, from which however it is truly diftinS, though
in decay the colour of the fhields fades to a brownifh hue.
The cruft is very thin, but rugged, fcarcely meally, greyifh-
white, and fpreads concentrically with a very white edge. The
fhields are more or lefs fcattered, a little elevated; their
difk flat, or rather concave, of the colour of yellow bees-wax,
greener when moiftened; their margin rounded, entire, broad,
white and fmooth, in old fhields often undulated.