LICHEN rosellus.
Little Rosy-shielded Lichen.
G e n . C h a r . Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, In which the
seeds are imbedded.
S p e c . C h a r . Crust thin, granulated, pale ash-coloured.
Shields swelling, flesh-coloured, with a pale smooth
Syn. Lichen rosellus. Ach. Prod. 52. Persoon in
Ust. Annul, fasc. 7« 25. Schrad, Spicil. 85.
L. albo-incarnatus. Wulf. in Jacq. Coll. v. 3. 106.
t. 2. / . 3.
Lecidea rosella. Ach. Meth. 57.
Verrucaria rosella. Hoffm. Germ. v. 2. 1 7 6 .
F o UND on trees in the New Forest, Hants, by Miss Bid-
dulph, who has favoured us with specimens. Mr. Turner has
received the same from Scotland. It agrees with an original
specimen of Mr. Persoon’s ; and as no sufficient figure of it
is extant, we are induced to publish one, though we could
have wished first to complete our observation of the L. angu-
losus of Acharius and its varieties, to which this species seems
too nearly allied.
The crust is thin, greyish white, granulated rather than
mealy, spreading regularly over smooth bark, but broken and
almost obliterated on old trees. Shields numerous but not
much crowded, small, sessile; their disk almost from the first
slightly convex, smooth not mealy, flesh-coloured; their margin
in a young state very thick, smooth, even, pale or whitish,
and somewhat waxy, growing thinner by age, and at length
obliterated in consequence of the swelling of the disk.
0e£ziSc6.£vl>hj7i'd by JaiSotrerbv^T.ortdim .