LEPRARIA æruginosdj
Verdigrise Lepraria.
Gen. ChAr. Seeds in a powdery substance, loosely
clothing a membranous or fibrous crust.
Spec. Char.; Light verdigrise green. Crust fibrous,)
obscurely jointed, forming Soft spreading tufts.
Fructification in small round clusters.
Syn. Byssus aeruginosa. Huds.605. With. v. 4; 143.
Hull. 307.
B. lanuginosa æruginosa. Dill. Muse. 4. t. 1. f . *
Conferva pulveria. Dillvo. Syn. n. 78. t. D.
I FIRST“ met with this plant on the pillars of the beautiful
chapel at Roslin 7 miles from, Edinburgh, in 1782. Mf;
Dickson, who had never before seen it, determined the synonyms
of Hudson and Dillenius. My young friend Mr.
Leach, has since gathered it there also. This spring I collected
very fine specimens^ one of which appears in the annexed
plate, on the north wall of Wormleybur'y church, Herts,
close to the,tomb of Lady Amelia Hume. Mr. Young found
the same in Glamorganshire, according to Mr. Dillwyn, who
refers it to Conferva.
This species is most akin to Li latebrarum$ t. 2147, with
which it agrees in general structure, but differs in being of a
much softer looser texture, by no means firm, rounded^ or
cushion-like; neither is it grey or stone-coloured, as our
l. 2147 ought to have been represented after Mr. Sowerby’s
original drawing seen by me, but of a delicate verdigrise green.
The fibres of the basis are by great attention found to be
slightly jointed, but we conceive it ought not for that reason
to be removed from the fibrous Leprarice, with which it agrees
in more peculiar characters.