T R I C II O M A N E S. Lin. Gen. Pl. 1 181 .
T R I C H O M A N E S pyxidifcrum.
L in . Sp. P l. 1561 . Ray Syn. 127. Tab. 3. F ig. 4, 5. Flo. Ang. 461 .
T A B . XXX.
C U P T R I C P I O M A N E S .
i' I "iHE roots are flender, filiform, branched, creeping, and furnifhed
with innumerable extremely fliort and eredl fibres, by which it adheres
to and creeps along the moift rocks in the dark caverns where it
grows, juft as the flender ihoots of ivy creep along a wall or the bark of
a tree.
Firft leaves two or three inches long ; the rib like an hair, with a membrane
on each fide formed by the decurrency of the fecond leaves ; outline
o f the leaves a long oval, more pointed above, leaves rifing at diftances
from the creeping root. ,
Second leaves four or five pairs, placed alternate, largeft below, gradually
diminifliing to the top.