Seed veffels firft appear in two or three white oblong fpots on the under
fide of the diilr about the centre ; they afterwards turn of a yellowiih
brown, and, when burft, become confluent, covering the central part of
the diik with a brownifh nap ; which laft circumftance, together with the
figure of the lobes, are fufficient to charadtcrizc the fpecies, and to
diftinguiih it from the Afplenium Trichomanes.
V A R E T I E S.
I have feen a'variety- of this plant with the leaves branched, tlic rib of
the firft leaf throwing out other ribs furniilied with lobes like the firft, but
fmaller; this variety I gathered on the rocks below Ogden Kirk, on the
oppofite fide of the Clough, A. D. 178;
Is this variety the Afplenium Trichomanes ramofum of Linna:us ?
fe e Tab. 2. Fig. 3.
Green Maiden-Hair grows on Ingicborough Hill in Yorkfirirc ; on the
Tnountains of North Wales abundantly ; from the chinks of moift rocks,
befidc the Clough below the Great Rock called Ogden Kirk, four miles
from Halifarr.