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Seed vefl'els on the under fide of the leaves, in lines running obliquely
from the nerve to the margin ; fometimes there are two fcries of thefe lines
of feed veffels from the top of the leaf to the bottom, the lines of the inner
fcries much larger than thefe o f the outer one, all of them running parallel
; often there is but a fingle fcries on each fide of the rib ; and fometimes
the lower part ol the leaf is barren.
When the feed veffels are ripe, and burft, the lines become broader, and
feem covered with a brown duft. The feeds being difpofed in lines oil the
prone diik of the leaf charadcrifes the Genus Afplenium.
Harts Tongue grows amongft rocks; in the deep clifts between the
rocks in Whitefcars and Scar Clofe near Ingleborougli abundantly, where
I have feen the leaves twenty-four inches long.
It grows in a little woody brow, called Toad-Holes, in Sowerby Dean,
four miles from Halifax.