70 F E L I C E S B R I T A N N I C Æ ,
E Q^U I S E T U M hyemale.
Sp. P L 1 5 1 7 . Flo. Angl. 448. Scot. 650. Cant. 385, Ray Syn.
1 3 1 . H a ll. H iß. 16 79 . Ger. Fm. 1 1 1 3 . Park. 1207.
R O U G H H O R S E T A I L .
r i^ H E root is black, hard, tough, jointed, creeping, and emitting
black, tough, hard fibres from the joints.
The fertile ihoots, at their firil appearance, are clubbed at the top,
■ by reafon o f the flower fpike, which is wrapped up in the uppermoft
1 This uppermoft vagina is divided, at the margin, in twelve or fourteen
pointed dents or fegments ; whereas all the other vaginae terminate
1 in very fhort, blunt, black dents.
The ihields, in the flower fpike, are clofely thruft together, and
1 black at firft ; when the flowers are blown, the feminal valves are white,
and difcharge a bluiih foft powder.
The full grown ftem is about twenty-four inches high, confifting of
nine or ten joints, the remoteft o f them about three inches afunder ; and