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Lobes nine or ten pairs, of an oval fliape, deflefted, loweft pairs largeft,
divided down to the nerve; the others gradually run together at the extremity,
and lofe themfelves in the point of the third leaf, all of them ferrated
and fpiny on the edges.
Seed veffels placed in round dots in the back of the lobes, two or three
on each near the divifions ; they are at firft white, afterwards brown, and
at laft turn blackifh.
V A R I E T I E S .
There arc two varieties o f this plant ; one, in which the loweft pair
only of fecond leaves are fo fubdivided as to produce third leaves having
diftina divided lobes. From a fpecimen of this kind my figure was taken.
In the other variety, feveral o f the lower pairs o f fecond leaves are thus
Mr. Hudfon feems to fufpea that the Polipodium rheticum is a fmall
variety o f this plant.
Crefted Polipody grows from the chinks o f moift rocks and old walls in
ftcep and craggy woods every where in the pariih of Halifax ; particularly
in Birks Wood, and Lee Bank fhrogs, abundantly.
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