Seed veflels, globular, flzc of a fmall muftard-fccd, fupported on an
bair-likc footftalk a line in length, and arifing from the edge of the dc-
current part of the membrane at the original of the fecond leaves.
V A R I E T I E S .
I fufpedt the Trichomanes pyxidiferum of Bell Bank to be a luxuriant
variety of this plant; their figure, texture, colour, and whole habit arc
the fame, only differing in magnitude. In this opinion I am confirmed
by obfervation ; for in the year 17 8 4 , I found the Trichomanes tunbrigenfe
growing in great plenty on the rocks under Dolbadon Caftlc, near
the lake of Llhanberris ; in cavities where the rock was moift, and ov'cr-
ihadowed with other plants, fo as to exclude the fun, I found fpecimens
fo far approaching to the Trichomanes pyxidiferum, as to form a conneft-
ing link between it and the Trichomanes tunbrigenfe, partaking equally
o f the one and of the other; one of thefe fpecimens I have exactly figured
Tab. 2. Fig. 7.
Trichomanes tunbrigenfe grows on moffy rocks in the 'Weft-Riding of
Yorkihire; particularly on the rock called Foal Foot, on Ingleborough-
Hill. On the V/elch mountains plentifully.
F N S.
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