E Q J J I S E T U M paluftre.
Flo. A n g l Scot.bsfi. Cant. Ray Syn. 1 ^1 .
Tab. s . Fig. 3. F a r . h. Ger. Em. 1 1 1 3 . Park. 1 2 0 2 .
M A R S H H O R S E T A I L .
■»HE root is flender, black, jointed, and creeping; emitting black
hard fibres from the joints.
The fertile ihoots are flender, and of a freih green ; they are eight or
ten inches high, and confift of feven or eight joints, furrounded with
vaginæ ; two or three of the loweft of which are wholly black, the
others green, except the top, which terminates in feven or eight black
acute dents, with white filmy margins.
The uppermoft vagina, which is placed immediately under the fpike,
is longer than any of the reft, and is divided in very long, flender, black
The flower fpikes are fmaller than in any o f the other fpecies, black
at firft, but pale-coloured when full grown; the feminal valves being
white, and difcharging a pale-coloured powder.
The firft leaves produce fecond leaves at the bafe o f the vaginæ,
which grow ereél,, each having a proper black vagina at its bafe ; they