I ,
P O L I P O D I U M fontanum.
Sp. Pla'ti. 1550. Flo. Ang. 456.
F O U N T A I N P O L I P O D Y .
^ “HE firft leaves three or four inches long, lancc-ilraped, narrow at
-B- the top ; rib fmooth, naked about an inch from the root, and of a
pale green colour, of an hard and dry fubftance.
Second leaves twelve or fifteen pairs, alternate, of an oval figure, broad
at the bafe, and bluntly pointed.
4 '
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Lobes three or four pairs, oppofite, divided down to the nerve, o f a
roundifli figure, and crenated with three or four dents, flowing together
at the extremity of the fecond leaf.
Seed veffels make their firft appearance in fmall dots on the back of the
lobes ; when they burft, they flow together and overfpread the whole diilc.
Dr. Hill, in his Flora Britannica, page 530, tab. 3, gives a bad figure of
this plant for the Acroftichum Ilvenfe,