light, the diafragms, in the internal fmall tubes, may be eafily dif-
The outer leaves are greatly fwollen and dilated at the bafe, as at a,
b, c ; where the fruftification is lodged. The ftile and ftigma are placed
in the hollow part of the bafe of the outer leaves; the germin is fupported
by a cordate valve, or flower-cup, as at e ; and the edges of the
inflated bafe, of thefe outer or female leaves, is a thin fine membrane,
which fo clofely embraces and furrounds the gibous part of the male leaf
within as to exclude the water.
The inner or male leaf, b, opens on the outer or gibous fide o f the
bafe, within the embraces of the female leaf. Its frucfification confifts
of a roundifh anthera, without filament ; and it refts on a cordate valve
or flower-cup, fimilar to that of the female. By the above admirable
contrivance, the two flowers come in near contad with each other, and,
though in the bottom of deep lakes, are fecured from the intrufion of the
The feed-veffel is o f an oblong form, confifting o f two valves, filled
with white globular feeds; each of which is girt round with a prominent
ring, as at d. After the difcharge of the feeds, the outer leaves fall oS:
and periih, and the next in order perform the fame office a iucceeding
year ; and the number of leaves is kept up by a fupply of young ones
from the centre.
Grows in lakes on high mountains. I have dragged it out of leveral
lakes on Snowden, and it has been fent me from Wejlinoreland.
Q- A N