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A C R O S T I C H U M Ilvenfe.
Spec. P L 15 2 8 . Ray Syn. 1 1 8 . Flo. Ang. 4 5 1 .
T A B . IX.
H A I R Y A C R O S T I C H U M .
C T ^ H E roots are fmall, and furnifhed with a few black hard fibres.
FiriL leaves from three to five inches lon g ; the rib hairy, deftitute of :
leaves almoft half its length from the ro o t; general iliape of the leaf taper- 3
ing from the bafe to the point.
Second leaves from feven to fifteen pairs, loweft pairs largeft and oppofite,
thence to the top becoming gradually lefs and alternate, and, near
the fummit, confluent at their bafe.
Lobes five or fix o f an oblong figure with feveral dents on the edges, firft
pair largeft, thence decreafing to the point, where one or two pairs become ■
confluent, united almoft their whole length ; all of them broadeft at the
bafe, where they a lt confluent and decurrent.