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Lobes feven or eight pairs, oblong, broadeft at the bafe, bluntly pointed,
and crenated on the edges, running together towards the extremity of the
fecond leaves.
Seed veflels in round dots placed near the bafe of the lobes on the under
fide, one or two on each lobe, white at firft, at laft brown and dufty.
The whole plant o f a thin light and delicate fubftance ; of a beautiful
bright yellow green, while young, and very elegant.
V A R I E T I E S .
I have obferved a variety o f this plant, growing in White-fcars near Iii-
gleton; and in the Peak of Derbyfliire, wherein the rib is taller, more
firm, hard, and robuft, white, and opaque ; the leaves larger, the number
o f parts greater, and the largeft of the lobes are again partly lobed or divided
down half way to the middle rib : this variety I have figured Tab. i .
Fig. I.
Polipodium dryopteris grows in the fliadowy parts of woods, in a crumbly
and moift foil, amongft hypnums. It grows in Birks-Wood, North-
Dean-Wood, Puttin-Park, and other woods in the neighbourhood of Halifax,
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