S3 F I L I C E S B R I T A N N I C Æ .
P O L I P O D I U M dryopteris.
Sp. PI. 1555. Ray Syn. 125. .Flo. Scot. 678. Flo. Ang. 640,
Ger. Fin. 1 1 3 5 . Park. 1043.
B R A N C H E D P O L I P O D Y .
Th e roots are long, crooked, knotty, and creep under the mofs,
emitting flender fibres as they creep along.
The firft leaves rife fingly at diftances from the root; the rib round,
flender, dark green, and femi-tranfparent, naked about three-fourths of
its length from the root, and about eight inches high ; the general figure
of the leaf triangular.
Second leaves eight or nine pairs, the loweft pair twice divided, fo as to
produce third leaves, the. other pairs fimply pinnated, placed oppofite at
the bafe where they are broadeft, and terminate gradually in a point.
Third leaves fix or feven pairs, placed oppofite, broadeft at the bafe,
pointed at the top, larger on the lower fide o f the nerve of the fecond leaf.