80 a p p e n d i x .
P O L Y P O D I U M . Parti . Page 32.
P O L Y P O D I U M rhoeticum.
Sp. P I. 1 552. Ray Syn. 12 4 . Pluk. Phyt. Tab. ^9. Fig.
T A B . XLV.
R H E T I A N P O L Y P O D Y .
r p H E root o f this plant, I have not had an opportuny o f ob-
ferving. '
In the fpecimen before me, the height of the/ro»t, or firft leaf, is
about twelve inches ; the rib is of a pale colour, furrowed on the upper
fide, covex or rounded on the under ; is more ftout, and much lefs brittle
than that o f the Polypodium fragile.
The fecond leaves are about twelve pairs, placed alternately, very remote
below, growing gradually nearer each other upwards, but are
diftina quite to the top ; they are placed at an acute angle with the
middle rib.
The third leaves are divided, down to the nerve, into about three
pairs o f diftina lobes, o f an oval figure, iharply and diftinaly ferrated
about the edges.
Thofe third leaves which grow on the upper fide of the rib of the
fecond leaf, are larger than thofe which grow on the lower; by which
charaaer alone the fpecies is at once diftinguiihed from the Polypodium
fragile, with fome varieties of which it has been confounded.
■ The inequality o f fize in the upper and lower third leaves, is moft
obvious in the firft pair ; for in fome of the upper pairs, the triple divifion