O S M U N D A. Lin. Gen. Plan. 1 1 72.
OSMUNDA ¿«»rzrw. Li?i. Sp. P L is'^9- Ray Syn. 128. Flo. Scot^
652. Flo. Ang. 449. Ger. Fin. 405, Park. 507.
T A B . IV.
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m o o n w o r t .
root is compofed of fibres adhering to the bottom o f the ftem,
-S. and to the bulb-like embrio o f a future plant.
The leaf fbalk is two or three inches high, firm, folid, and fometimes
a little flattifh ; it fupports one pinnated leaf, compofed of eight or nine
pairs of kidney-fhaped lobes, ranged fo clofe on the nerve as to. lie over
each other in an imbricated order, the loweft pair largeft, decreafing gradually
upwards, and a fingle one,, the fmalleft, terminating the nerve
at top.
Seed veflels fupported on a ftalk two or three inches high, growing from
the top of the leaf ftalk at the infertion of the le a f; it is divided into feveral
branches near the top, to which branches the feed veffels are affixed