O s.
L in . Gen Plan, 1 1 8 4 .
I S O E T I S lacu ftris.
Sp, PI, 1 5 6 3 . Flo. Angl. 4 6 2 . Scot. 6 8 3 . Dan. 1 9 1 . Ray Syn.
3 0 6 . Dill. Mufc. Tab. 8 0 . Fig. 2.
T a b . X U .
Q_U I L L W O R T .
Th e root confifts of numerous ftrong, white, round fibres, which are
conneded together under the bafe o f the leaves, and defcend deep
into the mud, at the bottom o f lakes.
The leaves grow eight or ten from the fame root, are four or five
inches long, flat or plain on the infide, round or gibous on the outfide ;
each confifts of feveral fiftular tubes, flender, and imbedded in a foft
fpongy fubftance. Thefe tubes are furnifhed with fmall diafragms, at
certain diftances, and are furrounded with one common, fmooth, pale-
green cover ; and thus the leaf is conftruded. When newly taken out
o f the water, it is pellucid ; and, i f viewed between the eye and the