O P H. I o G L O S S U M vulgatum.
L in . Gen. Flan. Spec. Plan. Ray S jn . . 2 S. Flo. Scoi.
6SI. Flo. A n g . \\<i. G e r .E m . \ o y . Park. S^^-
T A B . HI-
a d d e r s t o n g u e .
f - ^ H E root confifts wholly o f fibres, often furnifned with a bulb-like
I hybernaculum, which contains a fuccecding plant m embrio.
T h e proper ftalk is green, fla ttift, from two to four inches high,
fupporting one le a f at the top ; the le a f is tongue-ihaped, two inches
long, thick, gloffy, fucculent, and o f a firm fubftance, varying m colour
from a light to a dark green.
Seed veflels arranged in two rows, and forming a jointed fpi.^e,
rows placed oprofite ; when ripe, they burft tranfverfely, and difcharge
fmall feeds.; the fpike is fupported on a ftalk two or three incnes high
arifin<r from the point where the tongue-ihaped leaf is unitca to the fi...
ftalk, by the bottom o f which leaf the fpike ftalk is partly furroundcd and
V A R I E T I E S ,