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Seed veffels placed in round dots on the plane dilt of the lobes on the
-under fide, eight or ten in a row on each fide the nerve, white at firil, of
a ycllowifli brown colour when ripe, the lobes on the lower half of the leaf
generally barren.
Polipodium lonchitis very greatly rcfembles the Polipodium aculeatum
ill fome of its ftates, particularly that variety of it which Hudfon calls
Polipodium lobatum, which I have figured Tab. 26. Fig. 2. Thefe two
plants in figure, colour, fubftance, manner of growth and general habit,
bear a refemblance too ftriking to be difrefiardcd.
The Polipodium aculeatum and lobatum are found growing on moift
rocks and fliady places. Polipodium lonchitis on the cold mountains of
North Wales. Is it pofliblc that Polipodium lonchitis fliould be aftarved
variety of Polipodium aculeatum ?
Polipodium lonchitis grows on Snowdon ; near the foot of Crib y Deftilh,
iffuing from the chinks of the rocks; alfo on the rocks of Glydar, near
■Llanberris, where I gathered the fpecimen here figured and defcribed.