A S P L E N I U M marinum.
Sp. PL 154 0 . Ray Syn. 1 19. Plot. Scot. 664. Flo. Ang. 4 5 3 .
Ger. Em. 1 143 . Park. 10 4 5 .
T A B . XV.
S E A S P L E E N V/ O R T .
f (5 '<HE roots are brown, tough, and hard, full of fibres, and firmly
-i- fixed in the narrow chinks o f the rocks.
The leaves are fimply pinnate, five or fix inches long, lance-iliaped,
blunt at the bafe ; the rib hard, firm, o f a purpliili black, fmooth and
fhining; upper fide a dark full green, paler below.
Lobes from feven to twenty pairs, oblong, with a remarkable expanfion
on the upper margin near the bafe, and on the lower fide obliquely cut o ff;
bafe, both above and below the nerve, entire ; extremity o f the lobes
rounded or bluntly terminated ; all except the bafe crenated on the edges,
with fifteen or fixtccn dents on the upper fide of the nerve, nine or ten on
the lower.