I l f Fertile firil leaves taller than the barren, of the fame general figure,
Sind of a darker green ; fecond leaves four or five pairs placed alternately,
•diminiihing to the top, and terminating in a fingle lobe.
Third leaves confiiling of two or three pairs of lobes with fingle ones
Lobes fimple, oblong, one third o f an inch in length, rolled back at
the edges, and of a thick firm fubftance.
Seed veffels placed in lines on the under margin of the fertile lobes, at
firft of a whitifli colour, when ripe o f a yellow brown, and, after the difcharge
of the feeds, cncreafing in breadth fo as to cover the whole diik of
the lobe, except the middle nerve.
Ofmunda Crifpa grows on Ingleborough-Hill, Yorkihire ; on Homble-
ton-Hill, near Burnley ; under the great rocks at Clibberihaw-Dean, near
Todmorden, Mr. W w d ; in Knotty-Lane, near Saddleworth-Ray, Lan-
cafhire ; but moft abundantly on Snowdon, where I gathered the fpecimen
which is reprefented on the plate in Auguft A .D . 1784.
A C R O S T I C H U M.
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