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rent ; fee Tab. 20. Fig. 2. The other lobes diftind for three or four of
the firft pairs, near the extremity become confluent, terminating the fecond
leafin a crenatcd point. The lobes on one or two of the largeft fecond
leaves are irregularly crenated ; loweft pair of the fecond leaves wants the
fliort decurreiit lobe at the bafe.
Seed veffels in fmall dots on the margins of the lobes near their divifions,
two, three, or four on each fide, at firft white, afterwards of a pale brown,
laftly black.
Wood Polipody grows in the moift part o f fliadowy woods, in the Weft
Riding o f Yorkfliire in many places ; in a little wood in Soyland, juft by
the brook below Kebroyd-Mill plentifully ; and in a little fliadowy range
o f wood ground near the brook above Oldhoufe-Mill, Norland, two miles
from Halifax.
The whole plant is o f a dark fufcous green ; whilft young a little downy,
and feels foft to the touch ; to the lower part of the rib adhere a fev^ chaffy
Bale brown fcales..
P O L I P O D I U x\I