Lobes fix or feven pairs, placed oppofite, diftant from one another below,
growing nearer each other to the top of the fecond leaf, where they
run together in the point of it ; their figure is oval, and they arc crenated
round the edge with eight or ten diftincf dents.
The dots of feed veffels are placed on the under diik of the lobes, two
or three in a row on each fide of the nerve, at firft white, at laft brown,
and, when burft, run together, and cover the diik of the lobes, except the
margin only.
V A R I E T I E S .
I have feen a variety of this plant, growing in moift and very iliady
fituations, as in the deep fiflures of moift rocks where the fun was excluded,
or where it was over grown and ihadowcd with other plants, wherein the
leaves were more tall and flender than the above defcribed ; the rib o f a
pale green, the fecond leaves more remote, the lobes narrower, and the
whole plant more light, tranfparent, and delicate ; this is undoubtedly
the Polipodium Rheticum o f Linnæus, fe e Flo. Scot. 679, and my Fig.
Tab. 2. Fig. 6.
Brittle Polipody grows from the fiflures of rocks about Ingleton and
Settle, in Yorkfliire ; about Caftleton and other places in the high Peak,
Derbyfhire ; on Snowdon in Cacrnarvonfhire, North Wales, abundantly.