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Seed veffels placed in round dots on the back of the lobes, three or four
in a row on each fide the nerve, from a pale green gradually changing to
a brown orange colour.
V A R I E T I E S.
The Polipodium cambricum is now known to be a variety of this plant.
The general ihape ofits leaves oval ; lobes confluent, and dccurrcnt at the
bafe, irregularly gaihed on the edges, the fegments long, narrow, croudcd,
ferrated or crenated on the edges, the whole leaf thin, fmooth, femi-
tranfparent, of a pale green and very elegant. See the figure o f a lobe. Tab.
2. Fig. 5. a. This variety produces no feed veffels.
There is another remarkable variety in which the lobes arc proliferous,
having other lobes growing from their fides; fee Tab 2. Fig. 5. b. This
variety was difcovered in fruftification in a wood near Bingley by Mr. W.
Alexander, ofHaliflix, in Auguft 1782.
Polipody grows on old molly walls, rocks, and about the roots of old
trees in ihady places.
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