Ground ; all the fecond leaves naturally rife upward, but
they iffue from all iides of the firft leaf at the bafe of the
vagina, in the declined, as well as in the ere£t Plant -, the
Plant in this ftate makes the
Equifetum fylvaticum procumbens fatis uno verfu difpofitis.
Ray Syn. P . 1 3 1 . N o . 5.
There is a Variety of Equifetum arvenfe, which grows in
very wet foils in clofe woods, amongft tall grafs or under the
umbrage of various other Plants, in which the leaves are
very flender, and greatly drawn out in length ; in which ftate
it makes the
Equifetum pratenfs longiffimis fetis. Ray Syn. 1 3 1 . No. 8.
The fertile ihoots of Equifetum arvenfe come up before
the barren ones 5 thefe are deftitute of fecond leaves, they
are variegated with brown colours, and foon periih ; in this
ftate they are the
Equifetum nudum minus variegatum bafilienfe. Ray Syn.
P . 130. No. 3.
There is a variety of the Equifetum paluflre, which grows
in ihady iituations or under trees, about the borders o f ponds
and brooks, wherein both the firft and fecond leaves are very
flender, and drawn out in length, much beyond their ufual
ftandard, and are frequently of a pale yellow-green colour j
this is the
Equifetum paluftre tenuijfimis longijjimis fetis. Ray Syn.
P . 1 3 1 . No. 6 . This through miflake has been made a
variety of Equifetum Arvenfe.
There is another variety of Equifetum paluflre, in which
the branches or fecond leaves are fertile, producing fmall
flower fpikes on their fummits. This variety, in moft in-
ftances where I have had an opportunity of obferving it, has
been occafioned by that the primary flower fpikes, of fuch
ihoots as produced fecondary ones, had been bit oiF or other-
wife deftroyed ; this variety is the
Equifletum paluftre minus polyjlachion. Ray Syn. P . 1 3 1 .
No. 7. SSab. 5. Fig. 3.
When the Equifletum limofum grows in the mud at the
bottom of ftill ponds or rivers, and is in a luxuriant ftate,
it commonly produces plenty of branches or fecond leaves j
in which ftate it makes the
Equifletum foliis nudum ramofum. Ray Syn. 132. No. 12.
There is a variety of Equifetum hyemale, in which the
leaves are rufh-like, quite Ample, and deftitute of branches j
in this ftate it makes the
Equifetum foliis nudum non ramofum flue junceum. Ray
Syn. 1 3 1 . No. I I .