E Q^Ù I S E T U M Kyeraak.
Sp. P i. 1 5 1 7 - Fio. Angl. 44.8. Scot. 65Q. Cant, 385, Ray iS)
1 3 1 . HAI. HtJÌ. »679. G fr . £«*. 1 1 x3 . Park. ? 207.
R O U G H f i O P, S I r A I L,
T h e root is black, bard, toiigii, jointed, creeping
black, tough, hard ribrcs rrnm the joint ..
rlic fertile ihoots, at their fii il appearance. are < Ui ■
«>7 rWEK'n of the flower fpi.kc, which is wrapped ’ ip ;
. This uppermoft vagina ;s divided, at tin. ,.iar,.-. n,
ticn pointed dents or fegrnentt, •/vcereas :,ii ih.c ■
in very fliort, blunt, black dcait,
Tlie fhields, in the flower fpike, arc , ’oU.iv i.
black at fiift ; when the flowers are bio..n, cli-. ie ec;.,
and difcharge a bluiih folt powder.
The full grown ft-u; i= .Tout t veiuv '
Jiine ot, ten joints, the (crnoteft ci'-her.i c
Vet ,j;
MIC U ;'.'