al P O L I P O D I U M fragile.
i 'I
sp. Plan. 1553. R a y S jn . 125. Flo. Scot. 677. Park. 10 4 3 .
B R I T T L E P O L I P O D Y .
F I 4f lE body o f the root confifts of the ftumps o f old leaves which remain
A undecayed for a confiderable time in the ground ; they are covered
with brown fcales, and furnifhed with many fibres below, taking firm hold
in the place where it grows.
The firft leaves from five to nine inches h igh ; the rib fmooth, flender,
and brittle, at firft o f a pale green colour, when old o f a purplifh brown,
and gloffy, naked for about one-third part o f their length from the ground;
outline of the firft leaf lance-fhaped, broader at the bafe, narrow at the
Second leaves eight or ten pairs placed oppofite, remote, broadeft at the
bafe, gradually diminifliing in breadth to the extremity, and drawing
nearer and nearer each other to the top of the firft leaf.