A C R O S T I C H U M .
L in . Gen. P lan..ïx-]3..
A C R O S T I C H U M feptentrionale,.
Spec. Plan. 1 5 24. Ray Syn. 120. F h . Scot. 6 56 . Flo. Ang. 4 S°-
G e r .Em . 1 3 6 1 . Park. 10^3.
f o r k e d M A I D E N H A I R .
root conflits of a number of fine, flender, brown fibres, con-
J . neâed to a fmall head.
The leaves from two to five inches high, linear and flender for more than
half their length ; above, they divide fometimes into two, fometimes into
three or four lobes.
The lobes are about an inch in length, lance-fhaped, one fixth of an
inch in bieadth, and veined lengthways ; fometimes thefe lobes are intire,
but often irregularly cut in on the edges, and forming little acute appendages
on the fides, which are curved outwards.
Seed veffels firil appear in fmall indifrinâ lines or dots on the back of the
lobes, afterwards they flow together, and when the veffels burft, and the