Tliii'd leaves eight or ten pairs, placed oppofite, and diminifliing from the
llowcft to the highcft.
Lobes eight or ten pairs, divided down to the nerve, of an oblong figure,
terminating in an obtufe point, the verges a little rolled back, and, while
young, feeling downy to the touch.
Seed veffels difpofed in lines under the edges of the lobes, (which is the
charaderiftic o f the genus,) at firft white, afterwards brown ; when
■ the feeds are difchargcd, the lines become broader and more confpicuous,
but never cover the diik of the lobes, as all the acrofticha, and many of
the afplenia do.
The plate reprcfents a third leaf of the natural fize with the feed veffels.
Brakes, (in Yorkfliire, brackens,) grow about the ikirts of barren moors,
and in fuch waftc places where the tadnefs of the foil renders the ground
not worth cultivating.
A S P L E N I U M.