The firft lobe on the upper fide grows credt, and clofe to the rib of the
firft leaf, on the under fide it inclines obliquely outwards ; all of them
entire on the two fides near the bafe, the reft finely crenated.
Seed veffels appear in white oblique lines on the back of the lobes, a fterwards
become brown, and, when burft, enlarge and cover the central
part of the diik ; fee Tab. 17 . Tig. 3.
V A R I E T I E S .
I gathered a variety of this plant on an old Mmll near the village of Vlharf
in Yorkihire ; leaves not broader below than in the middle, lance-iliapcd ;
fecond leaves alternate, remote, tapering ; lobes divided down to the middle
rib, of a roundifh figure and deeply crenated at top ; fe e Tab. 17 .
Fig. 2.
Is this the Afplenium lanceolatum of Mr. Hudfon ? fee Flo. Ang. 2nd
E d it. p. 454. No. 8.
Black Maiden Hair grows from the chinks of rocks and old walls in the
Weft-riding of Yorkihire, and in Wales.
The fpecimen figured and defcribed I gathered on the rock near the
the head of the vale of Clyde, in.Dcnbiglifliire, where the Lychen uliquofus
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