F ï L I c E s B R I T A N N I C Æ .
A S P L E N I U M ceterach.
Lin. Sp. P l. 15 3 8 . Ray Syn. 1 1 8 . Flo. Scot. 6 6 i.
Llo. Ang. 4 52 . Ger. Em. 1 1 3 9 . Park. 1046.
T A B . X I I .
S P L E E N W O R T .
f I '^HE root coniiils of many fibres adhering to a ihort ihapelefs head,
. -E- ysfhich is furrounded thickly by the flumps o f decayed leaves, and
is of a dark-brown colour.
The leaves are from three to five inches long, femi-pinnate, and lance-
fliapod; tfie nerve brown towards the bottom, and naked for a little way
from the root.
‘i-Cr. '
The lobes are about twenty pairs, Ihort, broad, roundifh, intire, but
waved on the edges, largeft in the middle of the leaf, diminifiiing gradually
both upwards and downwards, the uppermoft placed obliquely, all of I
them confluent, and decurrent at the bafe, o f a dark fliining green on the [
upper fide ; when the plant is old, the lobes o f the leaf roll together in-1
wardly, and hide their finooth furfaces.