The fecond leaves are jointed, and have vaginæ at the joints ; from
the bafe of which vaginæ the third leaves are produced, three or four
from each joint.
Thefe third leaves, like the firft and fecond, are jointed and vagina-
ted ; and, in fome luxuriant fpecimens, I have feen fourth leaves o f a
fimilar ftruéture.
B A R R E N L E A V E S , F ig . c.
Thefe fpring from different parts of the fame root, which produces
the fertile ones, and like thofe are at firft wholly covered with vaginæ,
but are readily diftinguiftied from them, by being much fmaller, and of
a pale, dulky, green colour.
From the uppermoft vagina, the rudiments of the fecond leaves make
their firft appearance, in form o f a clofe, rough, pale-green, tapering
The vaginæ are green, except at the point, where they are divided in
four brown dents, as in the fertile ihoots ; but in this they are fmaller,
and embrace the ftem more clofely than in that.
The fecond leaves are about twelve in number, produced in circles
from the bafe o f the vaginæ, each having a proper, brown, ihort, tri-
dentate vagina, at its bafe ; they are quadrangular, jointed, and have
quadridentate vaginæ, from the bafe whereof grow the third leaves, three
or four at a joint, and are o f the fame ftruéture with the fecond. A full
grown fecond leaf is feen in the Plate, at d.
It grows in wet, fandy foils, in woods and meadows about H alifax,