E Q^U I S E T U M limofum.
Sp. P I. 1 5 1 7 . F/o. Ang. 448. Scot. 648. Cant. 385. Ray Syn.
1 3 1 . Tab. 5. Fig. 2. Ha ll. H ifl. 1677.
T A B . xxxvm.
S M O O T H H O R S E T A I L .
n p H E root, A , is large, tough, branched, jointed, and vaginated ; it
is of a rufty brown colour, and creeps horizontally under the mud.
The young Ihoots appear in April, and are covered with brown ruft-
coloured vagina ; each o f which is divided in twelve or fourteen black
acute dents, at the top. The fpaces between the vaginæ are o f a pale
green, and fmooth furface.
In the full grown plant, the vaginæ change to a pale green, retaining
only a faint tinge o f brown near the bafe of the dents, which ftill remain
black. The uppermoft vagina o f the fertile leaf is paler, more large,
more lax, and the black dents longer than in the reft ; and the ftenx
above it, which fupports the flower fpike, is white.
The fhields, which compofe the flower fpike, are at firft black, and
clofe thruft together; when the fpike opens, the feminal valves are o f a
pale colour, and copioufly difcharge a white powder.