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P O L I P O D I U M phegopteris.
Sp. P L 1550. Ray Syji. 122. Flo. Scot. 669. Flo. Ang.
T A B . XX. .
W O O D P O L I P O D Y .
Th e roots are long, crooked, branched, and creep under the mofs in
the moift part of dark and ihadowy woods, emitting a few fibres,
into the crumbly mould as they creep along.
Firft leaves from fix to twelve inches high ; rib a little chaffy, naked
more than half its length from the root; general outline of the leaf triangular,
tapering from the bafe. to the p oint; colour a dark fufcous green ;
lib flender, round, pellucid.
Second leaves eight or ten pairs, fometimes oppofite, loweft pair the
largeft, thence diminiihing to the top.
Lobes ten or twelve pairs; the loweft pair Ihorteft, united on its outer
edge to tile next lobe, on its inner to the rib of the firft leaf, and is decurrent
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