m am
ji one having a brown, duiky, granulated line, on the inner fide ; which is
the male flower.
On the creeping ftem, in the centre of thefe tufts of leaves, the
feed-veffels are produced ; they are about the ftze of a pepper-corn,
and o f the fame figure ; at firft green ; when at full growth of a brown
colour, and covered with a ihort hairy lhagginefs; they are divided into
four cells, and filled with fmall, brown, globular feeds. When the
plant dries it changes to a browniih colour.
Grows in wet fands, in places fometimes overflowed with freih water.
It grows in feveral parts of Wales, and, as is faid, on Honjlow-Heath;
and is in perfedion in Ju ly .
I S 0 E T I S.