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F I L I C E S B R I T A N N I C xE,
o S M U N D A regalis.
Lin. Sp. PI. 1551 - Flo. Scot. 653. Flo. Ang. ^^9 - Park. 103^.
Ger. Em. 1 1 3 1 .
T A B . V.
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O S M U N D R O Y A L .
Til e root is large, th ick , hard , and woody, firmly fixed in the tough
mire by its numerous long ftringy fibres, and is clofely covered by
feveral folds o f tough biown fcales.
The firft leaves arc from two to four feet high, of an elegant longifli
oval l la n e ; tke ,ib fmoo.h and g k ffy , having an hollow fnrrow on >ho
nppov f.de, round or glhbon. on .ho „„dor fido, and naked a good way
from the root.
Second leaves from fix to ten pahs, the third or fourth pair from the
root longeft, thence to the top ihortening by a fudden gradation ; t ley are
placed at an acute angle with the rib of the firft leaf.
Lobes from five to ten pairs, tongue-ihaped, irregularly lobed at their
bottoms; the firft pairs for half thdr number of equal length, thencejo
■ m .