m il i
M m ,.
5+ F I L I C E S B R I T A N N I C Æ .
A D I A N T U M. Lin. Gen. Pl. 118 0 .
A D I A N T U M Capillus-veneris.
Sp. PI. 1559. Ray Syn. 123. Flo. Scot. 679. Flo. Ang. a,6 o.
Gcr. Em. 1 143. Park. 1049.
T R U E M A I D E N - H A I R .
root is Qiort, fmiplc, and furniilied with many black fibres. 1
Firft leaves five or fix inches high ; rib of a black purple colour, flender,
very bright and glofly, naked almoft half its length from the root ; general
outline of the leaf approaching to an oval.
Second leaves about three on each fide, in an unequal alternate order, an j
inch and half long, compofed of fix or feven lobes, generally fupported
on fingle fliort filiform footftalks; fometimes thefe footftalks are again divided
Lobes fan-fliapcd, narrow at the bafe, entire on the outer edges, broad
and rounded at the extremity, where they are divided into four or five
lobes or fegments, which are o f a membranaceous fubftance and turn
and fupport two lobes.