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O S M U N D A • crifpa.
Lin. sp. PI. 15 2 2 . Ray Syn. 12 6 . Flo. Scot. 6 5 5 .
Flo. Ang. 450.
T A B . vir.
C U R L E D S T O N E F E R N . .
Th e root confifts of a multitude of flender fibres, much entangled
with one another, and of a pale brown colour.
Barren firft leaves from three to nine inches high, approaching in the
general figure to an irregular ov a l; rib waved and green.
Second leaves fame general ihape with the firft, fix or eight pairs placed
alternately, diminifliing from firft to laft ; rib waved.
Third leaves ihaped like the firft and fecond, four or five pairs placed
alternate. I
Lobes of the barren leaves two or three pairs, dented at the extremity
with one or tv/o dents, fo that the lobes themfelves arc again lobed, the
loweft pair generally with three, the next pairs with two, and the terminal
with three or four of thefe Icffer lobes ; whole leaf a bright green.