A S P L E N I U M viride.
Hud. Flo. A n g . 4 5 3 . Ih. E d . fr im . 385. Flo, Scot. 663.
L E S S E R E N G L I S H M A I D E N H A I R .
h e root is fmall, ihort, covered with brown fcalcs, and furnifhed
JL with a multitude of capillary entangled brown fibres.
Leaves fimply pinnate, four or five inches long, lance-ihapcd, but fomc-
what narrow ; the ribs tender, often of a pale green colour, fometimes
brownifh towards the root. I have fpecimens, wherein the bottom part
of the rib is brown and gloffy, as in the Afplenium trichomanes.
The lobes eighteen or twenty pairs, fometimes alternate, fometimes oppofite,
fhort, broad, of a rhomboidal figure, or irregular fquarc o f four
unequal fides, attached to the rib by one of the angles, the upper and
lower fides of the bafe entire, the other two crenated, the upper with in
or feven dents, the lower with four or five.
) il.